Weltkarte PILOTS

PILOTS – Partnerships International in Teacher Education through Online-Tandem Seminars

PILOTS organises and researches international digital co-teachings. Instructors and students of Friedrich Schiller University in Jena participate in joint seminars with international universities to implement intercultural experiences in the university’s teacher education.
Weltkarte PILOTS
Image: Adobe Stock, nach einer Vorlage der Abteilung Hochschulkommunikation

International digital tandem seminars: international students and
lecturers learn from and with each other.

PILOTS (Partnerschaften International im Lehramt durch Online-Tandem-Seminare) is a programme promoting and optimising international collaborations between universities. As one of the projects of the Centre for Teacher Training and Education Research (ZLB), PILOTS aims at fostering intercultural sensibilities of future teachers. Our project is in line with the guidelines of the partner project IDEASExternal link (Experiencing Interculturality and Diversity by Studying Abroad), funded by the DAAD and BMBF and developing increased collaboration with partner universities abroad.

Starting in October 2022, PILOTS organises, accompanies, and examines international co-teaching seminars. PILOTS aims at realizing joint seminars with students and instructors of Friedrich Schiller University in Jena and partners at international universities to integrate intercultural experiences as a part of teacher education. In international collaborative seminars dealing with topics of global importance – such as climate change, multicultural societies, migration and language diversity – students work in bi- and multinational groups discussing matters of future relevance.

PILOTS matches international instructors with a view to the classes’ topics, integrates different curricula, and supports course organisation, planning the sessions as well as implementing them. In addition, the seminars will be analysed based on pedagogic, methodological, and intercultural aspects. Advantages for participants include the opportunity to network on an international level, experiencing innovative teaching and learning formats, intercultural exchanges, and changes of perspective. The courses offer benefits for each participant’s personal and professional development.

Furthermore, PILOTS will issue a certificate of participation for both students and instructors. The project will publish a digital handbook illustrating prerequisites for the success of international digital collaborations. The handbook will be accessible online.

Please do not hesitate to contact our project coordinator Alexandra Funk if you have any queries or are interested in participating or planning an online tandem seminar:  alexandra.funk@uni-jena.de


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Previous Co-Teachings

  • Argentina: Universidad Nacional de San Martín

     Zur WebsiteExternal link


    Summer term 2022: Ficciones economicas: el desafió de narrar la economía argentina zum VorlesungsverzeichnisExternal link

    Winter term 2022/2023: Violencias y literaturas. Narrar las violencias con y desde la ficción en América Latina


    Prof. Claudia Hammerschmidt (Literaturary Studies of Romance Languages, Jena)

    Dr. Luciana Anapios (Interdisciplinaria de altos estudios sociales, UNSAM)

    Dr. Evangelina Caravaca (Interdisciplinaria de altos estudios sociales, UNSAM)

    Violeta Dikenstein (Interdisciplinaria de altos estudios sociales, UNSAM)

    Dr. José Garriga Zucal (Interdisciplinaria de altos estudios sociales, UNSAM)

    Dr. Ariel Wilkis (Interdisciplinaria de altos estudios sociales, UNSAM)


  • Chile: Universidad de Chile

    zur WebsiteExternal link


    Dr. Jorge Peña (Department of Romance Languages, Jena)

    Pablo Heraldo González Martínez (Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, UChile)

  • Cuba


    Winter term 2022/2023: “Reportando desde Los Mayamis” - Literaturas del Caribe



    Juan Felipe Castro Maldonado (Literaturary Studies of Romance Languages, Jena)

    Dr. Catarina von Wedemeyer (Literaturary Studies of Romance Languages, Jena)


    Felix Zühlsdorf (DAAD-Lecturer in Department of German as a Foreign Language in Cuba)

  • Georgia: Tbilisi State University

    zur WebsiteExternal link


    Winter term 2022/2023: Campus Europa - Interkulturelle Kommunikation (EC2U)


    Dr. Jens Grimstein (Sprachenzentrum, German as a Foreign Language, Jena)

    Dr. Iwa Mindadze (Department of Psychology and Educational Research, Tbilisi)

  • Hungary: Eötvös-Loránd-Tuományegyetem Budapest

    zur WebsiteExternal link


    Winter term 2022/2023: Einführung in die Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (Introduction to Literature for young people)


    Dr. Sandra Kerschbaumer (Department for Germanic Literary Studies, Jena)

    Dr. Kristina Kocyba (Department for Germanic Literary Studies and Culture, Budapest)

    https://germanisztika.elte.hu/External link

  • Jerusalem: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    zur WebsiteExternal link


    Summer term 2022: Diversity and multiculturalism as part of the civic education process zum VorlesungsverzeichnisExternal link


    Prof. Laurenz Volkmann (Department of English Didactics, Jena)

    Dr. Aviv Cohen (The Seymour Fox School of Education, HUJI)


  • Spain


    Wintersemester 2022/2023: La adquisición del léxico en la clase de ELE


    Felix Röhricht (Didactics of Romance Languages, Jena)

    Dr. Eva María Villar Secanella (Departamento de Didácticas Específicas, Zaragoza)

  • Türkiye: Bursa Uludag Üniversitesi

    zur WebsiteExternal link


    Sommersemester 2022: Einführung in die kontrastive Linguistik zum VorlesungsverzeichnisExternal link (Introduction to contrastive linguistics)

    Wintersemester 2022/2023: Einführung in die kontrastive Linguistik (Introduction to contrastive linguistics)


    Dr. Nimet Tan (Department of German as a Foreign Language, Jena)

    Prof. Anastasia Senyildiz (Didactics of Foreign Languages, Uludag)

  • USA: Georgia College & State University

    zur WebsiteExternal link


    Sommersemester 2022: Climate Crisis: Teaching Fiction and Philosophy at the End of the World: The Sequel zum VorlesungsverzeichnisExternal link


    Prof. Laurenz Volkmann (English Didactics, Jena)

    Prof. Hedwig Fraunhofer (Department of World Languages & Cultures, GCSU)

    Fazit und ErfahrungsberichteExternal link

The Team

Alexandra Funk

Image: Alexandra Funk

Project coordination


Alexandra Funk

Research member
Chair for English Didactics

E-Mail: alexandra.funk@uni-jena.de

Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena
Centre for Teacher Training and Education Research
Semmelweisstr. 12
07743 Jena


Lukas Eibensteiner | Uni Jena

Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Project management

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Eibensteiner

Chair for Didactics of Romance Languages

Tel.:      +49 3641 9-44690
E-Mail: lukas.eibensteiner@uni-jena.de

Room 405
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
07743 Jena

Learn more de

Prof. Dr. Laurenz Volkmann, Projektleitung

Image: Anne Günther (University of Jena)

Project management


Prof. Dr. Laurenz Volkmann

Chair for English Didactics

Tel.:       +49 3641 9-44590
E-Mail:  l.volk@uni-jena.de

Room 614
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8
07743 Jena

Learn more de

Student Staff

  • Hakim Benali
  • Nina Frohne-Brinkmann
  • Logo Lehramt.International gefördert vom DAAD.
  • Logo BMBF
  • Logo DAAD