Pencils lying on paper

Conference: Internationalisation of Teacher Education: Perspectives on Diversity und Intercultural Learning

Conference on November 02-03, 2022 in Jena
Pencils lying on paper
Image: Opensource

The registration External linkis open until October 31st. Please contact us with any queries or technical hiccups via

In the scope of the IDEAS projectExternal link (Experience Interculturality and Diversity by Studying Abroad) and in collaboration with the  ZLB de (Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research), a conference on the internationalisation of teacher training at Friedrich-Schiller University Jena will take place. On November 02-03, 2022, current interdisciplinary topics concerning the teacher training in Jena will be discussed. More specifically, the internationalisation of teacher training in Jena will come into focus. On two special theme days, participants are invited to join discussions, get inspired, and partake in the exciting program.

Preliminary Programme

Wednesday, 02 November 2022

Our first theme day is dedicated to internationalisation strategies for the teacher training in Jena. A thought-provoking panel discussion between those involved in the internationalisation of teacher training in Jena as well as alumni will be held to invite its audience to join the discussion. We are also offering student-orientated and practical workshops concerning up-to-date topics such as interculturality in the classroom, critical whiteness in schools, and multilingualism and language development for teachers-to-be.


The workshops will take place simultaneously from 3:30 PM to 5 PM. We ask for prior registration.


  • Taking Action: Ideas for an Antiracist English Language Classroom
    Dr. Silke Braselmann und Dr. Anne Mihan
    Dr. Silke Braselmann und Dr. Anne Mihan
    Image: S. Braselmann: David Aussenhofer, A. Mihan: privat

    Workshop leader: Dr. Silke Braselmann (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) & Dr. Anne Mihan (Humboldt-University Berlin)

    Room: kleiner Sitzungssaal 101, Fürstengraben 27, 07743 Jena

    Ever since the Black Lives Matter protests in June 2020, anti-racism has gained unprecedented salience in the public debate. As a prominent topic in social media and popular culture, the issue of racism is immensely relevant to young adults today - this pre-existing knowledge on the parts of the learners is especially fruitful for the English language classroom, where teachers, textbooks, and material developers are working on teaching units that deal with different aspects and elements of racism, especially in the U.S.A. 

    However, teaching about racism does not necessarily result in an anti-racist teaching that emphasizes the self-reflexive stance of teachers and learners, highlights the transcultural relevance of the topic, and strives for a plurality of perspectives in the classroom, putting marginalized voices center stage. For pre- and in-service teachers, working toward a teaching practice that is decisively anti-racist requires commitment, self-reflexivity, and a willingness to learn and unlearn. Especially in Germany, where a cultural mismatch between a homogeneous, mostly white teaching force and increasingly heterogeneous learner groups can be observed, this can be challenging. 

    Conceptualized from a perspective of Critical Whiteness, this workshop wants to take these challenges into account but will foreground the immense potential of teaching against racism in the English language classroom. Participants can expect a brief theoretical input regarding racism and English language teaching as well as the role of the teacher - and the role of (the English) language. After this, we will collaboratively explore practical ideas for teaching about and teaching against racism, look at materials, and engage in critical and self-reflective conversation.


  • Interkulturalität im/für's Klassenzimmer
    Christoph Vatter
    Christoph Vatter
    Image: IRTG Diversity

    Workshop leader: Prof. Dr. Christoph Vatter (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

    Note: This workshop will be held in German. For further information please visit the German page.

  • Sprachbildung und Mehrsprachigkeit im Fachunterricht
    Britta Hövelbrinks und Stefan Baumbach
    Britta Hövelbrinks und Stefan Baumbach
    Image: privat

    Workshop leader: Stefan Baumbach & Dr. Britta Hövelbrinks (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

    Note: This Workshop will be held in German. For further information please visit the German page.

Panel Discussion, 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Location: Großer Sitzungssaal 102, Fürstengraben 27, 07743 Jena


  • Dr. Claudia Hillinger (Internatinal Office)
  • Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Eibensteiner (Didactics of Romance Languages)
  • Prof. Dr. Christoph Vatter (Intercultural Business Communication)
  • Sophie Elly Ewers (Project Coordination IDEAS)
  • Eva-Juliane Kratzsch (Student)
  • Calin Serban (Student)


Dr. Sebastian Meißner (Centre of Teacher Education and Educational Research)

Thursday, 03 November 2022

The second theme day focusses on diversity and intercultural learning. Multifaceted talks from Spain, France and Israel will give insights into interdisciplinary topics for future teachers. These talks will address diversity, teachers’ education, and its process of internationalisation, thereby also outlining possible connections to schools and examples of teaching for illustrating the theory.

Furthermore, a poster walk will inform about the internationalisation projects in and around the Jena teaching profession and encourage an exchange of ideas.

Guest Lectures

The guest lectures will be held one after the other from 10 AM to 4:45 PM. The lectures are open, you do not need to register in advance.

Location: Großer Sitzungssaal 102, Fürstengraben 27, 07743 Jena

  • 10 AM: Gastvortrag aus Spanien
    Marta Fernández Villanueva Jane
    Marta Fernández Villanueva Jane
    Image: Marta Fernández Villanueva Jane

    Here you will soon find information about the lecture and the registration.

  • 11:15 AM: Mehrsprachigkeit und Interkulturalität im Unterricht der Regionalsprache im Elsass (Frankreich)
    Pascale Erhart
    Pascale Erhart
    Image: Frédéric Godard

    Lecturer: Dr. Pascale Erhart (Université de Strasbourg)

    Note: This lecture will be held in German. For more information please visit the German page.

  • 2:30 PM: Discussing Controversial Politics in Diverse Classrooms
    Adar Cohen
    Adar Cohen
    Image: Adar Cohen

    Lecturer: Dr. Adar Cohen (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

    Discussing controversial political topics, including debates over current events, is considered a pivot component of civic education in democratic countries. However, in the reality in which classes have become more ethnically, religiously and culturally diverse, and in which political systems are more polarized, many teachers find it difficult to implement this goal fearlessly. This presentation will discuss a teacher training course in Israel, which deals with the pedagogical question of how to make political discussions more accessible to high school classrooms. A pedagogical model for planning a lesson that incorporates a discussion of controversial issues will be presented and the advantages and disadvantages of its use will be discussed.


  • 3:45 PM : Multicultural and Antiracist Education in Fragile Times: Pedagogical Considerations
    Aviv Cohen
    Aviv Cohen
    Image: Aviv Cohen

    Lecturer: Dr. Aviv Cohen (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)

    Recent years have shown a rise in political polarization, extremism, xenophobia, and the erosion of foundational democratic values. One educational reaction to this reality is the shift from multicultural education to a more nuanced approach of antiracist education. This approach highlights education’s role in promoting active civic actions that directly confront racist attitudes and issues of institutional inequality. These topics have already been discussed from theoretical perspectives and based on empirical studies mainly from the U.S. Missing though from the discourse are examinations of how students, teachers, and teacher-educators, who reside in other national settings, deal with this reality in practice. Based on my experience in the Israeli educational setting, in this presentation, I will argue the need to highlight the pedagogical aspects of teaching as a key educational element. I will present the findings of three qualitative studies conducted in the past years, reflecting both best and worst cases. The common denominator across these cases shows how, at our current time, the enacted classroom practices can potentially promote or limit students’ experiences when engaging with multicultural education. As a result, pedagogical implications for antiracist education will be presented.

Poster Walk, 5:15 PM

Location: Kleiner Sitzungssaal 101, Fürstengraben 27, 07743 Jena

Programme Schedule 

Wednesday, 02.11.2022 Thursday, 03.11.2022

Introductory Lecture and Welcome

2 PM - 3 PM, Location: Großer Sitzungssaal 102, Fürstengraben 27, 07743 Jena

Guest Lectures, Location: Großer Sitzungssaal 102, Fürstengraben 27, 07743 Jena

  • 10 AM - 11 AM - Gastvortrag aus Spanien, Prof. Dr. Marta Fernandez-Villanueva (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • 11:15 AM - 12:15 PMMehrsprachigkeit und Interkulturalität im Unterricht der Regionalsprache im Elsass
    Dr. Pascale Erhart (Université de Strasbourg)
  • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM: Discussing Controversial Politics in Diverse Classrooms
    Dr. Adar Cohen (Hebrew University, Israel)
  • 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM: Multicultural and Antiracist Education in Fragile Times: Pedagogical Considerations
    Dr. Aviv Cohen (Hebrew University, Israel)


3:30 PM - 5 PM
The workshops take place simultaneously. 


  • Taking Action: Ideas for an Antiracist English Language Classroom
    Dr. Silke Braselmann (Universität Jena), Dr. Anne Mihan (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin), Location: kleiner Sitzungssaal 101
  • Interkulturalität im/für das Klassenzimmer
    Prof. Dr. Christoph Vatter (Universität Jena)
    Location: SR 103
  • Sprachbildung und Mehrsprachigkeit im Fachunterricht
    Stefan Baumbach (Universität Jena), Dr. Britta Hövelbrinks (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
    Location: SR 106


Poster Walk „Internationalisierung des Jenaer Lehramts“

5:15 PM - 6:30 PM, Location: Kleiner Sitzungssaal 101, Fürstengraben 27, 07743 Jena

Panel Discussion: Stand der Internationalisierung in Jena

5:15 PM - 6:30 PM, Location: Großer Sitzungssaal 102, Fürstengraben 27, 07743 Jena


Dr. Claudia Hillinger (Internatinal Office)

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Lukas Eibensteiner (Didactics of Romance Languages)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Vatter (Intercultural Business Communication)

Sophie Elly Ewers (Project Coordination IDEAS)

Eva-Juliane Kratzsch (Student)

Calin Serban (Student)

Moderation: Dr. Sebastian Meißner (Centre of Teacher Education and Educational Research)

Centre for Teacher Education and Educational Research

Room Raum D405
Semmelweisstr. 12
07443 Jena

Opening hours:
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